Thursday, July 15, 2010

Improvements: Using technology

I was apprehensive about the work because technology is not my forte. With guidance I then realized that it is far more enjoyable than what it is difficult. I can't wait to continue with the new methods.


  1. DEar Denise, I know that you like to write and I am looking forward to some more detailed reflections on the course, yourself in the course and how you are using and sharing your new learning with colleagues and learners.

  2. Dear Denise
    They say that money makes the world go round. Nowadays it is the technology that makes the world go round. I would like to hear from you about what you think of the lectures as I know that you can express yourself very good.

  3. Hi Denise
    You are so dedicated to your "new found friend" internet-that we hardly get a chance to chat. Thus far I enjoyed reading your reflections because it is good!
    Do it girl! Regards to your mom.
