Friday, September 10, 2010

Filters. Filters.....

The essay was marked and handed back. A few days ago I was whiling away some time and discovered a game ( on the phone). I cannot put it down, last night I played until the all the power was used. At this stage I need to have a filter put onto the phone. It is the first time that have realized what addiction means. I have now developed great empathy for people who develop these addictions. I was always told that it does not "take much" to become addicted.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


After doing the assignment and the test I am still being made aware of the topic. Last week, while I was getting ready for work a guest on the morning radio programme spoke about the need for filters to protect people from adverse information. I heard his explanation and agreed with him. The interesting part for me would have been when the public was allowed to phone to give their opinions and ask questions. Unfortunately I had to leave home to be punctual at work. This forces me to use the "new" technology ie. podcasting. Podcasting  has been used for some time by people who have missed programmes. Now I am left with another challenge which I will have to master in order to gain maximum use of the reading on internet filters.

Monday, August 23, 2010

assignment completed

I found a quote by George Bernard Shaw

."assassination is the best form of censorship"

It definitely does not belong in the assignment. However democracy does need checks and balances. The last time I read his work was at high school. I enjoyed the Pygmalion. But this quote is unbelievably drastic but it does show that if you want to censor somebody permanently the best way is to kill them! Certain speeches like incitement is irresponsible and has no place in a democracy. This assignment has made me see free access to information with greater appreciation.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

12 August 2010: FILTERS for the Internet

Today's lecture was on filters for the internet. This is my topic for the assignment. I find that this software is necessary in the primary school. I now realise that what works today can be side stepped and accessed by the alert users. It will require on-going revision to remain ahead of the learners.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cape Town Book fair

I was bold enough to go to the workshop arranged for librarians on Friday. It was worth taking that step. The speaker was a librarian from the UK. The topic was how they went about encouraging children to read. The important aspect is that parents commented that they also renewed their interest in reading. We have the same difficulty in our situation. They overcame the difficulty by linking with corporate companies as this is of a long term benefit for them. They have reached many learners who feel positive from this drive.

Prof. G. Hart spoke about the South African situation. Her talk included situations throughout the country. This was interesting as I am only aware of my immediate surrounding ie. Cape Town.

Before I left I took time to browse through the stalls that were operative. This work-related session was stimulating because of the ideas I piked up in the seminar and I gained the interest of groups and individuals who will visit the school at a later stage.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Improvements: Using technology

I was apprehensive about the work because technology is not my forte. With guidance I then realized that it is far more enjoyable than what it is difficult. I can't wait to continue with the new methods.